Friday, August 3, 2007

Clay Aiken in California! Showing One Of His Favorite Sexual Techniques!

Clay Aiken has three more shows in California, tonight at Pala, tomorrow at the Greek and Sunday in Indio.

It will be interesting to see the reception and attendance at these shows, especially at the Greek, given all of the uncomplimentary things Clay Aiken has had to say about the people and performers in Los Angeles.

This is how the sales are looking so far, but keep in mind that the number of Claymates who ridiculously attend multiple shows will account for a lot of the seats filled. Without them, no doubt the attendance would be pitiful.

Pala CA FRI 8/03 7:30PM, On sale 3/23, 2,200

06/30 10AM 4w 6d

-Tickets selling steadily.

-$55 tickets appear to be nearly sold out.

-300-700 seats appear to be available.

-Projected ticket sales (seats only) 1,600-2,000, 73%-91% of capacity.

Los Angeles CA SAT 8/04 8PM, On sale 4/28, 5,801

06/30 11AM 5w

-Tickets selling slowly.

-No seats or singles only in Pit, Section A, and Section B, capacity.

-No $55 seats available in the front sections of the north and south terraces.

-C sections, benches remain largely available, capacity.

-1,300-2,600 seats appear to be available.

-Projected ticket sales 3,300-4,500, 57%-78% of capacity.

Indio CA SUN 8/05 6PM, On sale 5/04, 4,000

06/30 10AM 5w 1d -

Counting 3,720 available seats. -

Tickets selling steadily, but slowly.

-Few $59 seats available (front floor and front 2 sections of risers).

-Almost all of the rear floor, rear risers, and the bleachers appear to be available.

-1,500-2,300 seats appear to be available.

-Projected ticket sales 1,400-2,300, 38%-62% of capacity.

Clay Aiken seemed to be pimping the show at the Greek more than any of the others.

Don't know why that is, but hopefully it will become clear during the cell-certs if anyone can stay awake long enough to report on them!